The Analyser

6 February 2002

The disk image analyser work is going very well. The disk format description framework is complete, and it allows us to describe each part of a disk.


Lets explain that a little...

A track is made of one or more blocks, and these block contain one or more data elements. All this is based on reverse engineering of the dumps and the structure, or otherwise copy protection that they contain. These descriptors are then able to recognise the same structure on any other dump (say, of a different game with the same disk protection).

This reverse engineering takes a lot of time to begin with, but once it is done, all future games with the same disk structure are recognised immediately. For example, the AmigaDOS and Copylock (old and new) Amiga disk structures were the first to go in, so any dump that uses these is part or full is recognised automatically. If it varies slightly from that then we will be able to tell immediately. Another example would be Firebird games for the Amiga, most of which use the same (or very similar) copy protection scheme.

This all gets very involved when you consider the different things about a disk that need to be handled. Just take sync parameters, each part of a disk can have many sync variables (lead clocking, lead MFM clocking, multi sync, variable sync, variable data block, data block MFM - we could go on) and that is just for the sync! Then you can start describing each block, and at the most basic data level possible, describing each tiny data element (sync value, check bits, start bits, stop bits, encoded bits, data areas, area sizes, etc.).

Okay, lets look at Amiga Copylock in greater detail - just because it is one of the ones that the largest amount of research has gone into. The game used is called “Custodian”, and below is the layout of the disk, where colour is coded by the copy protection scheme found on each track.

Custodian's Track Layout

Summarising the possible types of track by colour:

Other colours are also used (Red for long tracks, etc.) but since other density protections are not used in this particular game, they are not shown.

Lets have a look at the Copylock track in greater detail...

Custodian's Copylock Density Graph

Here we have the Copylock protection density graph as shown in previous WIP’s. You may notice that the samples (pink line) are more finely grained than in most previous graphs, this is purely because this game was dumped on a faster Amiga and so more samples were taken per unit length of track, but it doesn’t make any difference. The blue line is the analysed density.

Lets look at some data...

Custodian's Copylock Track Data

This is a small part of the raw bit patterns on the Copylock track. It is used to aid analysation and the reverse engineering of the copy protection. This is just for illustrative purposes, don’t take much notice of the actual values, or... erm, text.

What we have basically done is develop a language for the analyser to allow us to describe abstract data that may or may not vary at certain points. This is no small task, but it is done now. Any work done without this would have been wasted effort. But now, when the analyser searches a track it finds all the parts already described. Data that cannot be marked with the current descriptors is highlighted for human checking, and probably needs a new descriptor made for it.

You may ask, “why does all this need to be done?”. Well...

You can find futher discussion about this here. But to put it very simply - disks format had to be specified before disks could be mastered by the duplicators. In comparison to what we are doing, that was reletively easy. They had a specification to work with from whoever developed the format/protection and did not have to reverse engineer it.

Now, having already reverse engineered some copy protection schemes (Copylock, Firebird, and a few custom ones), many games can be verified, exported to the release format and remasted with no trouble at all.

Hopefully you now will have a slightly better idea of what is going on. All this is getting us closer... But there is still lots of work to be done...