A Working Analyser!

22 February 2002

The analyser now works! However it is far from complete...

Still to do:

  • The checking of parities/CRC‘s etc - which would greatly improve detection.
  • Gap byte detection - gap tracks and block gaps are not detected.
  • The system needs some routines to balance the scores properly, some of them are quite tricky, however most of the slave work is done and working.

On a 450Mhz P3 machine, it takes about 1.5 secs/track, ie. 4 minutes for a whole disk. On a 1.2GHz Athlon it is about 30 seconds for a whole disk. Believe us when we say that very few cycles are going to waste here, this is a very complicated problem as you have probably realised by now.

If the scores for a particular track format are very poor, the analyser decides that it is an unknown format and marks it as such.

Time to sleep... [Ed: You deserve it!]